North Penn Model A Ford Club
September 6th Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President Phil Christ. There were 49 members in attendance.
Secretary's Report - The June minutes were read and approved as submitted.
Treasures Report - Ed Roth reported a balance of $3860.25.
Three new members were introduced to the club. Louis Steskal and Mac and Irene Macilwain.
Old Business - Phil Christ reported that the club now has a EIN number. We will file IRS Form 990 early in 2017.
A financial audit for calendar year 2015 was completed by Fran Russo. Fran reports our books are in order.
The club picnic held at Green Lane Park was discussed. Various members enjoyed the day. A motion was made and approved to hold the event at the park again next year.
We also discussed Lansdale Under The Lights, The Oreland and Glenside Parades, The Lehigh Valley Poker Run, John Haines show and Duryea Day. Gary Volpe won a trophy at the Lansdale show.
The breakfast held by Dave and Susan Woods which is the Saturday of the Macungie car show was well attended. Susan thanked everyone for their help and food items.
The film premier for "Bloodrunners" featuring our member’s Model A Fords was on August 27th. Thirty members attended.
New Business- Upcoming events are Hay Creek Sept. 10th; Schwenkfelder Country Fair Sept 17th; MARC Hudson Valley Tour Sept 19 - 22nd; Creamery Tire Car Show Sept 24th.; Rocktoberfest Hatfield Township Oct. 1st; Upper Salford 275th Anniversary Oct 15th; John Haines Show Oct 29th; Marti Gras Parade Nov 19th; Souderton Parade Dec 3rd.
A club tour is being planned for October 22nd. Carol Allen will help organize and report at our October club meeting.
Ken Dages discussed a possible tour to the "Back Forty Tractor Collection" Limerick, PA.
Our fall tech session is set for November 5th, 9am at Old Forge Motors, Lansdale, PA
A donation to the "The Model A Foundation" was discussed. Will discuss again at the October meeting.
A possible trip to the Gilmore Car Museum was discussed for next year.
A special thanks to the refreshment committee, and to Gary Volpe for hosting our meeting.
Tech Talk- Tom Hudecki discussed preparing your car for a tour.
50-50 Drawling - Won by Gary Volpe. Gary donated his winnings back to the club.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35pn.
Minutes prepared by Jim Reed
September 6th Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President Phil Christ. There were 49 members in attendance.
Secretary's Report - The June minutes were read and approved as submitted.
Treasures Report - Ed Roth reported a balance of $3860.25.
Three new members were introduced to the club. Louis Steskal and Mac and Irene Macilwain.
Old Business - Phil Christ reported that the club now has a EIN number. We will file IRS Form 990 early in 2017.
A financial audit for calendar year 2015 was completed by Fran Russo. Fran reports our books are in order.
The club picnic held at Green Lane Park was discussed. Various members enjoyed the day. A motion was made and approved to hold the event at the park again next year.
We also discussed Lansdale Under The Lights, The Oreland and Glenside Parades, The Lehigh Valley Poker Run, John Haines show and Duryea Day. Gary Volpe won a trophy at the Lansdale show.
The breakfast held by Dave and Susan Woods which is the Saturday of the Macungie car show was well attended. Susan thanked everyone for their help and food items.
The film premier for "Bloodrunners" featuring our member’s Model A Fords was on August 27th. Thirty members attended.
New Business- Upcoming events are Hay Creek Sept. 10th; Schwenkfelder Country Fair Sept 17th; MARC Hudson Valley Tour Sept 19 - 22nd; Creamery Tire Car Show Sept 24th.; Rocktoberfest Hatfield Township Oct. 1st; Upper Salford 275th Anniversary Oct 15th; John Haines Show Oct 29th; Marti Gras Parade Nov 19th; Souderton Parade Dec 3rd.
A club tour is being planned for October 22nd. Carol Allen will help organize and report at our October club meeting.
Ken Dages discussed a possible tour to the "Back Forty Tractor Collection" Limerick, PA.
Our fall tech session is set for November 5th, 9am at Old Forge Motors, Lansdale, PA
A donation to the "The Model A Foundation" was discussed. Will discuss again at the October meeting.
A possible trip to the Gilmore Car Museum was discussed for next year.
A special thanks to the refreshment committee, and to Gary Volpe for hosting our meeting.
Tech Talk- Tom Hudecki discussed preparing your car for a tour.
50-50 Drawling - Won by Gary Volpe. Gary donated his winnings back to the club.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35pn.
Minutes prepared by Jim Reed