2018 Activities
January 1, 2018 - New Year’s Day Tour, Limerick Diner: Tour 10:00 from Worcester school or meet at diner at 11:30
January 7, 2018 - NPMAFC Holiday Party, Bay Pony Inn, 4PM
January 27, 2018 - John Haines Logging Show, 8:30 AM
March 24 – Whitpain Township Historical Society Museum Tour - The museum is located on Rt. 73, east of Center Square. Phil Christ is coordinating this tour. Meet at 9:30 a.m. at Worcester School, Rt. 73, departing at 9:45 a.m. Lunch will be at the Turning Point, (Rtes. 202 & 73, Center Square).
April 7 - AACA-DVR Tour to Pennsbury Manor (William Penn's home), Bristol. NPMAFC members invited to participate. Meet in Souderton (Rtes. 309 & 113). Approx. 1½ hours’ drive. Cost $27.50 for tour and lunch. Cut-off date March 23. Send checks to Ken Dages. Call Ken/Elsa Dages (NPMAFC members) for information. Tour Delayed Due to Weather
April 14 - Spring Tech Session, 9:30 AM, Old Forge, Lansdale. Focus will be on lights and the electrical system.
April 22 – Trexlertown Model A Ford Day Show and Swap, 9 AM – 3 PM. To be held at Goodwill Fire Co. #1-Trexlerville, 7723 Hamilton Blvd., Breiningsville, PA
May 3-5 – Lancaster Tour (Multi-Day) / E. Roth
May 17 - North Penn High School Car Show, 9:15 AM - 1:20 PM, NPHS
May 19 – Ambler Auto Show on Butler Pike, Ambler, 1-6 p.m. Rain date May 20, 12n – 5 p.m. Awards for Best of Show, Top 50, Major Sponsors Awards
May 26 – Harleysville Memorial Day Parade, sponsored by the Rotary Club. Contact Gary Volpe for details.
May 28 - Memorial Day Parade, Collegeville/Trappe. Howard Kriebel coordinating. Meet at 9:00 AM at Augustus Lutheran Church. Rain date May 29.
June 9 - NPMAFC Picnic, Green Lane. Meet at Walmart Harleysville at 10:00 AM or go directly to the park at 11:00 AM. Bring covered dish; see Ruth Ann Christ for details.
June 16 – Lansdale Under the Lights Show - Cancelled, but see replacement: Smaller show planned; see www.discoverlansdale.org for further info. Advanced reservation advised - $13.
June 23 – Heidelberg UCC Church Car Show. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. (1101 Cowpath Rd, Hatfield)
July 4 – Oreland Parade. See Carol Allen. Meet at Worcester School, 9AM
August 4 – Macungie breakfast at the Woods, 8AM, then Macungie. RSVP Susan Wood.
August 25 - Lansdale Founders Day. Parade registration 9AM - 10AM, parade starts 11AM. Meeting Point: 521 W. Main St., Lansdale
September 1 - Duryea Day, Boyertown Community Park, 9AM - 4PM, Register day of show 8AM - Noon or visit www.boyertownmuseum.org. Info 610-367-2090.
September 7 -9 - Hay Creek Festival, 10AM - 5PM, 1250 Furnace Rd., Geigertown, PA.
September 15 - Schwenkfelder Country Fair and Car Show, gather 9 AM, show 10 AM - 3 PM. No registration fee, free lunch ticket. Central Schwenkfelder Church, Valley Forge Rd., Worcester.
September 15 - Peter Becker Community Day Car Show, 8 AM - 2 PM, Registration free, free lunch. For further information, contact David Merrick at 215.703.4015
September 22 - FallFest - Hatfield Borough Car Show, 3 - 7 PM (check-in 1:45 - 3 PM). $5 donation to local charity per car. See www,hatfieldborough.com for registration form.
Oct. 6 – Hatfield Township Octoberfest
Oct. 20 – Harleysville Halloween Parade – 10 a.m. registration and line-up. Indian Valley Middle School. Gary Volpe coordinating
Oct. 27 – Tech Session at Old Forge – 9 a.m. Focus on adjusting headlights.
Oct. 28 – Peddlers Village Car Show – 9 a.m. All makes and models.
Nov. 10 – Mermaid Lake. Fall driving tour (meet at Worcester School at 10 a.m.), lunch at Mermaid Lake and obstacle course. If wives want to drive the Model A, this could be arranged following the obstacle course run. Club will provide cold cuts and rolls. See Ruth Ann Christ to sign up to bring salad, side dish, dessert or beverage. Carol Allen coordinating.
Nov. 17 – Lansdale Mardi Gras Parade, 1 p.m. Theme is “Hometown Holidays.” Tentatively, 15-16 cars from Club will participate. Jim Reed coordinating. Decorate car – but no Santas in the car! Lunch at the American Diner.
Dec. 1 – Souderton Christmas Parade. Theme is “A Futuristic Holiday.” Barbara Gormley coordinating participation.
January 1, 2018 - New Year’s Day Tour, Limerick Diner: Tour 10:00 from Worcester school or meet at diner at 11:30
January 7, 2018 - NPMAFC Holiday Party, Bay Pony Inn, 4PM
January 27, 2018 - John Haines Logging Show, 8:30 AM
March 24 – Whitpain Township Historical Society Museum Tour - The museum is located on Rt. 73, east of Center Square. Phil Christ is coordinating this tour. Meet at 9:30 a.m. at Worcester School, Rt. 73, departing at 9:45 a.m. Lunch will be at the Turning Point, (Rtes. 202 & 73, Center Square).
April 7 - AACA-DVR Tour to Pennsbury Manor (William Penn's home), Bristol. NPMAFC members invited to participate. Meet in Souderton (Rtes. 309 & 113). Approx. 1½ hours’ drive. Cost $27.50 for tour and lunch. Cut-off date March 23. Send checks to Ken Dages. Call Ken/Elsa Dages (NPMAFC members) for information. Tour Delayed Due to Weather
April 14 - Spring Tech Session, 9:30 AM, Old Forge, Lansdale. Focus will be on lights and the electrical system.
April 22 – Trexlertown Model A Ford Day Show and Swap, 9 AM – 3 PM. To be held at Goodwill Fire Co. #1-Trexlerville, 7723 Hamilton Blvd., Breiningsville, PA
May 3-5 – Lancaster Tour (Multi-Day) / E. Roth
May 17 - North Penn High School Car Show, 9:15 AM - 1:20 PM, NPHS
May 19 – Ambler Auto Show on Butler Pike, Ambler, 1-6 p.m. Rain date May 20, 12n – 5 p.m. Awards for Best of Show, Top 50, Major Sponsors Awards
May 26 – Harleysville Memorial Day Parade, sponsored by the Rotary Club. Contact Gary Volpe for details.
May 28 - Memorial Day Parade, Collegeville/Trappe. Howard Kriebel coordinating. Meet at 9:00 AM at Augustus Lutheran Church. Rain date May 29.
June 9 - NPMAFC Picnic, Green Lane. Meet at Walmart Harleysville at 10:00 AM or go directly to the park at 11:00 AM. Bring covered dish; see Ruth Ann Christ for details.
June 16 – Lansdale Under the Lights Show - Cancelled, but see replacement: Smaller show planned; see www.discoverlansdale.org for further info. Advanced reservation advised - $13.
June 23 – Heidelberg UCC Church Car Show. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. (1101 Cowpath Rd, Hatfield)
July 4 – Oreland Parade. See Carol Allen. Meet at Worcester School, 9AM
August 4 – Macungie breakfast at the Woods, 8AM, then Macungie. RSVP Susan Wood.
August 25 - Lansdale Founders Day. Parade registration 9AM - 10AM, parade starts 11AM. Meeting Point: 521 W. Main St., Lansdale
September 1 - Duryea Day, Boyertown Community Park, 9AM - 4PM, Register day of show 8AM - Noon or visit www.boyertownmuseum.org. Info 610-367-2090.
September 7 -9 - Hay Creek Festival, 10AM - 5PM, 1250 Furnace Rd., Geigertown, PA.
September 15 - Schwenkfelder Country Fair and Car Show, gather 9 AM, show 10 AM - 3 PM. No registration fee, free lunch ticket. Central Schwenkfelder Church, Valley Forge Rd., Worcester.
September 15 - Peter Becker Community Day Car Show, 8 AM - 2 PM, Registration free, free lunch. For further information, contact David Merrick at 215.703.4015
September 22 - FallFest - Hatfield Borough Car Show, 3 - 7 PM (check-in 1:45 - 3 PM). $5 donation to local charity per car. See www,hatfieldborough.com for registration form.
Oct. 6 – Hatfield Township Octoberfest
Oct. 20 – Harleysville Halloween Parade – 10 a.m. registration and line-up. Indian Valley Middle School. Gary Volpe coordinating
Oct. 27 – Tech Session at Old Forge – 9 a.m. Focus on adjusting headlights.
Oct. 28 – Peddlers Village Car Show – 9 a.m. All makes and models.
Nov. 10 – Mermaid Lake. Fall driving tour (meet at Worcester School at 10 a.m.), lunch at Mermaid Lake and obstacle course. If wives want to drive the Model A, this could be arranged following the obstacle course run. Club will provide cold cuts and rolls. See Ruth Ann Christ to sign up to bring salad, side dish, dessert or beverage. Carol Allen coordinating.
Nov. 17 – Lansdale Mardi Gras Parade, 1 p.m. Theme is “Hometown Holidays.” Tentatively, 15-16 cars from Club will participate. Jim Reed coordinating. Decorate car – but no Santas in the car! Lunch at the American Diner.
Dec. 1 – Souderton Christmas Parade. Theme is “A Futuristic Holiday.” Barbara Gormley coordinating participation.