North Penn Model A Ford Club
Minutes of the Meeting
October 1, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Phil Christ. The meeting was held at Penndale Middle School, Lansdale, PA. There were 35 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report – The September minutes were read and approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report – The Treasury balance is $4882.84.
Members to report on
Welcome to new member Mike Crofton. Mike thanked members of the Club for their help in diagnosing problems with his 1929 Phaeton. The car is now at Old Forge for service.
Old Business
The Christian film shoot has been postponed until mid-October. Frank Falcone has offered his Thunderbird.
New Business
A proposal to change the frequency of meetings has been suggested. The proposal would change meetings from monthly (Sept-June) to every other month through the entire year. The By-Laws would have to be changed. There was much discussion and suggestions (i.e., tech presentations every other month, guest speaker from another club). A straw vote of attendees was taken to keep the frequency of meetings as is.
Events to Report on
Sept. 15 – Peter Becker Community Day. Some very nice cars.
Sept. 15 – Schwenkfelder Country Fair and Car Show. A lot of cars displayed.
Sept. 22 – FallFest – Hatfield Borough Car Show. Nice show. There’s a car museum in the center of Hatfield. A very interesting building with 2nd floor “party room” available for rental. Possibly consider holding a meeting or party there.
Future Events
Oct. 6 – Hatfield Township Octoberfest
Oct. 20 – Harleysville Halloween Parade – 10 a.m. registration and line-up. Indian Valley Middle School. Gary Volpe coordinating
Oct. 27 – Mermaid Lake. Fall driving tour (meet at Worcester School at 10 a.m.), lunch at Mermaid Lake and obstacle course. If wives want to drive the Model A, this could be arranged following the obstacle course run. Club will provide cold cuts and rolls. See Ruth Ann Christ to sign up to bring salad, side dish, dessert or
beverage. Carol Allen coordinating.
Oct. 28 – Peddlers Village Car Show – 9 a.m. All makes and models.
Nov. 10 – Tech Session at Old Forge – 9 a.m. Focus on adjusting headlights.
Nov. 17 – Lansdale Mardi Gras Parade, 1 p.m. Theme is “Hometown Holidays.” Tentatively, 15-16 cars from Club will participate. Jim Reed coordinating. Decorate car – but no Santas in the car! Lunch at the American Diner.
Dec. 1 – Souderton Christmas Parade. Theme is “A Futuristic Holiday.” Barbara Gormley coordinating participation.
Jan. 6 – Holiday Party – 4 p.m. at Bay Pony Inn
Car Update – New Purchases and Old Problems
Tom Hudecki asked if anyone would be interested in having some tech help from members who would come to the house to assist working on the cars.
Creamery Tire Co. – In order to promote the antique car hobby, the owner will mount 4 tires (for antique cars) for $10. Must make arrangements with the owner.
The 50/50 raffle was won by Mike Crofton.
Howard Kriebel conducted the tech presentation on the electrical system and getting the car ready for fall/winter. The battery must be cleaned and maintained. A short tech session on getting ready for winter will be held at Mermaid Lake on Oct. 27.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 7 at the Penndale Middle School.
Refreshments for November will be provided by Ed Roth, Dave Wood, Bruce Brown, Ray Sague and Jim Dixon.
Minutes of the Meeting
October 1, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Phil Christ. The meeting was held at Penndale Middle School, Lansdale, PA. There were 35 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report – The September minutes were read and approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report – The Treasury balance is $4882.84.
Members to report on
Welcome to new member Mike Crofton. Mike thanked members of the Club for their help in diagnosing problems with his 1929 Phaeton. The car is now at Old Forge for service.
Old Business
The Christian film shoot has been postponed until mid-October. Frank Falcone has offered his Thunderbird.
New Business
A proposal to change the frequency of meetings has been suggested. The proposal would change meetings from monthly (Sept-June) to every other month through the entire year. The By-Laws would have to be changed. There was much discussion and suggestions (i.e., tech presentations every other month, guest speaker from another club). A straw vote of attendees was taken to keep the frequency of meetings as is.
Events to Report on
Sept. 15 – Peter Becker Community Day. Some very nice cars.
Sept. 15 – Schwenkfelder Country Fair and Car Show. A lot of cars displayed.
Sept. 22 – FallFest – Hatfield Borough Car Show. Nice show. There’s a car museum in the center of Hatfield. A very interesting building with 2nd floor “party room” available for rental. Possibly consider holding a meeting or party there.
Future Events
Oct. 6 – Hatfield Township Octoberfest
Oct. 20 – Harleysville Halloween Parade – 10 a.m. registration and line-up. Indian Valley Middle School. Gary Volpe coordinating
Oct. 27 – Mermaid Lake. Fall driving tour (meet at Worcester School at 10 a.m.), lunch at Mermaid Lake and obstacle course. If wives want to drive the Model A, this could be arranged following the obstacle course run. Club will provide cold cuts and rolls. See Ruth Ann Christ to sign up to bring salad, side dish, dessert or
beverage. Carol Allen coordinating.
Oct. 28 – Peddlers Village Car Show – 9 a.m. All makes and models.
Nov. 10 – Tech Session at Old Forge – 9 a.m. Focus on adjusting headlights.
Nov. 17 – Lansdale Mardi Gras Parade, 1 p.m. Theme is “Hometown Holidays.” Tentatively, 15-16 cars from Club will participate. Jim Reed coordinating. Decorate car – but no Santas in the car! Lunch at the American Diner.
Dec. 1 – Souderton Christmas Parade. Theme is “A Futuristic Holiday.” Barbara Gormley coordinating participation.
Jan. 6 – Holiday Party – 4 p.m. at Bay Pony Inn
Car Update – New Purchases and Old Problems
Tom Hudecki asked if anyone would be interested in having some tech help from members who would come to the house to assist working on the cars.
Creamery Tire Co. – In order to promote the antique car hobby, the owner will mount 4 tires (for antique cars) for $10. Must make arrangements with the owner.
The 50/50 raffle was won by Mike Crofton.
Howard Kriebel conducted the tech presentation on the electrical system and getting the car ready for fall/winter. The battery must be cleaned and maintained. A short tech session on getting ready for winter will be held at Mermaid Lake on Oct. 27.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 7 at the Penndale Middle School.
Refreshments for November will be provided by Ed Roth, Dave Wood, Bruce Brown, Ray Sague and Jim Dixon.