North Penn Model A Ford Club
Minutes of the Meeting
November 14, 2020
The meeting, held at Bob Martino’s garage, was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by President Phil Christ. There were 28 members in attendance. Refreshments were provided by MacIlwain, Gormley, Brown, Reed, Vigliano.
Secretary’s Report – Revisions to the October minutes were given. Members are encouraged to send any corrections/clarifications to the monthly minutes to Diane.
Treasurer’s Report – The current Treasury balance is $3,873.83.
Members to Report on
Ray Sague suffered a stroke about a month ago. He is now home with 24/7 care and will have PT, OT and speech therapy. Members are encouraged to call and leave a message on his phone.
Dave Wood is improving after surgery and is good spirits.
Jack Wright had arm/shoulder surgery and is recovering well.
Officer candidates for the coming year are: President - Bob Martino; Vice President – Carol Allen Treasurer – Phil Christ; Secretary – Diane Hall. There were no nominations at the meeting. Election normally takes place at the December meeting. However, in anticipation of a COVID-19 shutdown, the election was held. If the December meeting is not cancelled, a revote will take place then. Installation of new officers will take place in January.
A mailing was sent for renewal of Club dues and sign-up for the Jan. 3 Holiday Party. MARC dues for 2021 are also due. All Club members must be members of MARC.
The December meeting will be held at 10a.m. on Saturday, December 12 at Volpe Enterprises, 217 Church Road, North Wales 19454. Refreshments for December will be provided by Howard, Christ, Volpe, Berlinger.
The next regular meeting will be February. Date and location for future meetings will be discussed in December. Gary Volpe, Bob Martino have offered their facilities any time. Another possibility might be Old Forge.
Future Events
Nov. 21 – 9 a.m. Tech session at Old Forge, Lansdale. Members are encourage to bring cars for minor work/adjustments. Bring your own tools. For health and safety reasons, there will be no refreshments at the tech session – no coffee, donuts, hot dogs. Everyone must wear a mask.
Nov 28 – Possible car parade through local retirement communities. Decorate your car for the holidays. We will drive through the communities with no stopping and no getting out of cars. Details to follow shortly.
Jan. 3 - 4p.m. Holiday Party at Bay Pony Inn. Cost is $30/person. The gift game has been cancelled.
New Business
MARC is hurting financially. They are looking for articles for the magazine – long or short, about a car you worked on or are working on, etc.
Tony Russo attended the AACA Nationals in Gettysburg and received First Junior for his 1941 Lincoln Continental. Approx. 630+ cars were judged. There was a display of military vehicles and the owner is going to build a military vehicle museum in Gettysburg.
The website lists club events free.
Car Update and New Purchase
Tom Hudecki bought a 1940 LaSalle Coupe (44,000 miles) from the Classic Auto Mall. He’s had it for 3 weeks and brought it to the meeting.
Club Tools – Joe Silverman has the tools; however, some were lent out and have not been returned. The tools will be reviewed at the Tech Session on Nov. 21. The list will be added to the website with a notation – For Member’s Use Only. Carol Allen offered to donate a bumper clamp to tow a car.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Refreshments for December will be provided by Howard, Christ, Volpe, Berlinger.
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall
Minutes of the Meeting
November 14, 2020
The meeting, held at Bob Martino’s garage, was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by President Phil Christ. There were 28 members in attendance. Refreshments were provided by MacIlwain, Gormley, Brown, Reed, Vigliano.
Secretary’s Report – Revisions to the October minutes were given. Members are encouraged to send any corrections/clarifications to the monthly minutes to Diane.
Treasurer’s Report – The current Treasury balance is $3,873.83.
Members to Report on
Ray Sague suffered a stroke about a month ago. He is now home with 24/7 care and will have PT, OT and speech therapy. Members are encouraged to call and leave a message on his phone.
Dave Wood is improving after surgery and is good spirits.
Jack Wright had arm/shoulder surgery and is recovering well.
Officer candidates for the coming year are: President - Bob Martino; Vice President – Carol Allen Treasurer – Phil Christ; Secretary – Diane Hall. There were no nominations at the meeting. Election normally takes place at the December meeting. However, in anticipation of a COVID-19 shutdown, the election was held. If the December meeting is not cancelled, a revote will take place then. Installation of new officers will take place in January.
A mailing was sent for renewal of Club dues and sign-up for the Jan. 3 Holiday Party. MARC dues for 2021 are also due. All Club members must be members of MARC.
The December meeting will be held at 10a.m. on Saturday, December 12 at Volpe Enterprises, 217 Church Road, North Wales 19454. Refreshments for December will be provided by Howard, Christ, Volpe, Berlinger.
The next regular meeting will be February. Date and location for future meetings will be discussed in December. Gary Volpe, Bob Martino have offered their facilities any time. Another possibility might be Old Forge.
Future Events
Nov. 21 – 9 a.m. Tech session at Old Forge, Lansdale. Members are encourage to bring cars for minor work/adjustments. Bring your own tools. For health and safety reasons, there will be no refreshments at the tech session – no coffee, donuts, hot dogs. Everyone must wear a mask.
Nov 28 – Possible car parade through local retirement communities. Decorate your car for the holidays. We will drive through the communities with no stopping and no getting out of cars. Details to follow shortly.
Jan. 3 - 4p.m. Holiday Party at Bay Pony Inn. Cost is $30/person. The gift game has been cancelled.
New Business
MARC is hurting financially. They are looking for articles for the magazine – long or short, about a car you worked on or are working on, etc.
Tony Russo attended the AACA Nationals in Gettysburg and received First Junior for his 1941 Lincoln Continental. Approx. 630+ cars were judged. There was a display of military vehicles and the owner is going to build a military vehicle museum in Gettysburg.
The website lists club events free.
Car Update and New Purchase
Tom Hudecki bought a 1940 LaSalle Coupe (44,000 miles) from the Classic Auto Mall. He’s had it for 3 weeks and brought it to the meeting.
Club Tools – Joe Silverman has the tools; however, some were lent out and have not been returned. The tools will be reviewed at the Tech Session on Nov. 21. The list will be added to the website with a notation – For Member’s Use Only. Carol Allen offered to donate a bumper clamp to tow a car.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Refreshments for December will be provided by Howard, Christ, Volpe, Berlinger.
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall