North Penn Model A Ford Club
Minutes of the Meeting
November 7, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Phil Christ. The meeting was held at Penndale Middle School, Lansdale, PA. There were 33 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report – The October minutes were read and approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report – The Treasury balance is $4596.84.
New Business
Election of officers will be held at the December meeting. All current officers are running for re-election – Philip Christ, President; Jack Wright, VP; Ed Roth, Treasurer; Diane Hall, Secretary. With no additional nominations from the floor, the nominations are now closed.
2019 dues ($20) and reservation form for the Jan. 6 Holiday Party will be mailed shortly. A proposal to charge $15/person for the party (with the Club paying $10) passed.
MARC dues are $45. MARC has proposed changes to its constitution, a copy of which is in the Sept/Oct issue of Model “A” News. Members should review the proposed changes and return ballot to MARC.
It was agreed to continue the annual awards for most spirited and most helpful. Reminder that you cannot vote for a member who won the award in the past 5 years. The Rusty Wrench Award will be determined by Tom and Kathy Hudecki, the 2018 recipient.
The list of award winners are:
MOST SPIRITED – 2018 Ed Roth, 2017 Dave Wood, 2016 Jack Wright, 2015 Tony Russo, 2014 Gene Yeager, 2013 Barbara Gormley
MOST HELPFUL – 2018 Dave Whitmire, 2017 Gary Volpe, 2016 Tony Russo, 2015 Jerry Watson, 2014 Joe Silverman, 2013 Tom Hudecki
Events to Report on
Oct. 27 – Tech Session. Date changed from Nov. 10 because Oct. 27 was the last “Cars & Coffee” event at Old Forge. Because of bad weather, the tech session was a presentation on adjusting headlights. A tech session with cars has been scheduled for Nov. 10, adjusting headlights.
Fun and Games Picnic at Mermaid Lake – cancelled until next year.
Future Events
Nov. 17 – Lansdale Mardi Gras Parade, 1 p.m. Theme is “Hometown Holidays.” Tentatively, 15-16 cars from Club will participate. Jim Reed coordinating. Decorate car – but no Santas in the car! Lunch at the American Diner.
Dec. 1 – Souderton Christmas Parade. Theme is “A Futuristic Holiday.” Barbara Gormley is coordinating participation.
Jan. 1 – New Year’s Day run and lunch - TBD
Jan. 6 – Holiday Party – 4 p.m. at Bay Pony Inn. The Berlingers will run the gift swap.
2019 Activities
Ed Roth presented the schedule of activities previously held each year. The Club is looking for volunteers to coordinate activities, as well as suggestions for future activities. The Halls are working on a possible visit to a Model A restoration garage.
Tom Hudecki has a suggested speaker for a meeting - Ivan Hess.
Car Update – New Purchases and Old Problems
Bruce Saylor has multiple melanoma and is selling his 4-dr sedan (tan and red). Asking $16,500.
Ed White, the nephew of Ed White who passed away recently, is settling his estate. He is selling two Model A cars (a street rod and a 1930/31 Model A coupe), plus parts and various tools. He’s extending an offer to NPMAFC members first. Proceeds from the sales will benefit Ed’s granddaughters. If you have any interest, contact Ed at 215-290-8403. He will be at the former residence in Telford on Sunday, November 11, and some Sundays after that.
A 1931 Model A pickup owned by Bob Snyder, a Club member years ago, is for sale. There is a transmission problem but there is an extra transmission. Looks good. Asking $10,000. Contact Roger (215-257-8258).
There was a question about antifreeze. Buy the green antifreeze (for pre-1980 cars). Use 1 gal. straight antifreeze and 1 gal. distilled water.
The 50/50 raffle was won by Ruth Ann Christ.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, December 3, at the Penndale Middle School.
Refreshments for December will be provided by Beth Howard, Ruth Ann Christ, Carl Berlinger, Gary Volpe.
Minutes of the Meeting
November 7, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Phil Christ. The meeting was held at Penndale Middle School, Lansdale, PA. There were 33 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report – The October minutes were read and approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report – The Treasury balance is $4596.84.
New Business
Election of officers will be held at the December meeting. All current officers are running for re-election – Philip Christ, President; Jack Wright, VP; Ed Roth, Treasurer; Diane Hall, Secretary. With no additional nominations from the floor, the nominations are now closed.
2019 dues ($20) and reservation form for the Jan. 6 Holiday Party will be mailed shortly. A proposal to charge $15/person for the party (with the Club paying $10) passed.
MARC dues are $45. MARC has proposed changes to its constitution, a copy of which is in the Sept/Oct issue of Model “A” News. Members should review the proposed changes and return ballot to MARC.
It was agreed to continue the annual awards for most spirited and most helpful. Reminder that you cannot vote for a member who won the award in the past 5 years. The Rusty Wrench Award will be determined by Tom and Kathy Hudecki, the 2018 recipient.
The list of award winners are:
MOST SPIRITED – 2018 Ed Roth, 2017 Dave Wood, 2016 Jack Wright, 2015 Tony Russo, 2014 Gene Yeager, 2013 Barbara Gormley
MOST HELPFUL – 2018 Dave Whitmire, 2017 Gary Volpe, 2016 Tony Russo, 2015 Jerry Watson, 2014 Joe Silverman, 2013 Tom Hudecki
Events to Report on
Oct. 27 – Tech Session. Date changed from Nov. 10 because Oct. 27 was the last “Cars & Coffee” event at Old Forge. Because of bad weather, the tech session was a presentation on adjusting headlights. A tech session with cars has been scheduled for Nov. 10, adjusting headlights.
Fun and Games Picnic at Mermaid Lake – cancelled until next year.
Future Events
Nov. 17 – Lansdale Mardi Gras Parade, 1 p.m. Theme is “Hometown Holidays.” Tentatively, 15-16 cars from Club will participate. Jim Reed coordinating. Decorate car – but no Santas in the car! Lunch at the American Diner.
Dec. 1 – Souderton Christmas Parade. Theme is “A Futuristic Holiday.” Barbara Gormley is coordinating participation.
Jan. 1 – New Year’s Day run and lunch - TBD
Jan. 6 – Holiday Party – 4 p.m. at Bay Pony Inn. The Berlingers will run the gift swap.
2019 Activities
Ed Roth presented the schedule of activities previously held each year. The Club is looking for volunteers to coordinate activities, as well as suggestions for future activities. The Halls are working on a possible visit to a Model A restoration garage.
Tom Hudecki has a suggested speaker for a meeting - Ivan Hess.
Car Update – New Purchases and Old Problems
Bruce Saylor has multiple melanoma and is selling his 4-dr sedan (tan and red). Asking $16,500.
Ed White, the nephew of Ed White who passed away recently, is settling his estate. He is selling two Model A cars (a street rod and a 1930/31 Model A coupe), plus parts and various tools. He’s extending an offer to NPMAFC members first. Proceeds from the sales will benefit Ed’s granddaughters. If you have any interest, contact Ed at 215-290-8403. He will be at the former residence in Telford on Sunday, November 11, and some Sundays after that.
A 1931 Model A pickup owned by Bob Snyder, a Club member years ago, is for sale. There is a transmission problem but there is an extra transmission. Looks good. Asking $10,000. Contact Roger (215-257-8258).
There was a question about antifreeze. Buy the green antifreeze (for pre-1980 cars). Use 1 gal. straight antifreeze and 1 gal. distilled water.
The 50/50 raffle was won by Ruth Ann Christ.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, December 3, at the Penndale Middle School.
Refreshments for December will be provided by Beth Howard, Ruth Ann Christ, Carl Berlinger, Gary Volpe.