North Penn Model A Ford Club
November 7th Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by President Phil Christ. There were 42 members in attendance.
New member Bruce Saylor was introduced.
Secretary’s Report- The October minutes were approved as read.
Treasure’s Report- Ed Roth reported a balance of $3951.25 which was approved as submitted.
Old Business- Previous events were discussed- The Back Forty Tour, Harleysville Parade, Haines Truck
Show, and our Tech Session. Thanks to Ken Valeri for bringing his Model A chassis to the tech session.
New Business- Club dues for 2017 will remain at $20.00. This opened a discussion as to using some
of our treasury to offset annual dues or reducing the cost of the Holiday Party. A motion was made
and seconded to subsidize the cost of the dinner by five dollars. The motion failed. Further discussion
suggesting donating to charity. Some members feel that the treasury should not be depleted. More discussion at the December meeting.
Members should see Dini Vigliano to sign-up for the 2017 refreshment list.
Phil Christ reported that our current officers will retain their position for 2017. There were no
nominations from the floor. Elections will be at December meeting.
Phil Christ proposed a new award the “Presidents Choice Award.” A motion was made and passed
approving this award. Phil will discuss his selection with the club officers.
A handout was provided to assist members in choosing the annual “Most Helpful” and “Most Spirited”
award. These awards are given at the Holiday Dinner.
The annual Lansdale Mardi Gras Parade is set for November 19th. The line up information will be
sent to us by e-mail and will be forwarded to the membership. Lunch to follow at the American Star Diner.
The annual Souderton Christmas Parade is set for December 3rd with line-up at 10:30am. The line-up
location will be sent by e-mail. Lunch to follow at O’Gradys.
A New Years day get together was discussed. A covered dish meal at either Mermaid Lake or the home
of Ruth Ann and Phil Christ. We will finalize the location at the December meeting.
MARC is hosting a membership meet in Gettysburg, PA July 30th to August 4th. Some hotels are
already booked.. If attending this event it is suggested to make reservations ASAP.
A special thanks to Doug Emerson for providing pictures of various club events.
Tech Talk- Tom Huducki suggested purchasing technical DVD’s to assist members in making repairs.
Howard Kriebel and Jim Ford talked about the braking system.
50-50 Drawing- Won by Joan Whitmire.
The December Meeting is the 5th at the Penndale Middle School. Refreshments list- Christ, Volpe,
Berlinger and Howard.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.
November 7th Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by President Phil Christ. There were 42 members in attendance.
New member Bruce Saylor was introduced.
Secretary’s Report- The October minutes were approved as read.
Treasure’s Report- Ed Roth reported a balance of $3951.25 which was approved as submitted.
Old Business- Previous events were discussed- The Back Forty Tour, Harleysville Parade, Haines Truck
Show, and our Tech Session. Thanks to Ken Valeri for bringing his Model A chassis to the tech session.
New Business- Club dues for 2017 will remain at $20.00. This opened a discussion as to using some
of our treasury to offset annual dues or reducing the cost of the Holiday Party. A motion was made
and seconded to subsidize the cost of the dinner by five dollars. The motion failed. Further discussion
suggesting donating to charity. Some members feel that the treasury should not be depleted. More discussion at the December meeting.
Members should see Dini Vigliano to sign-up for the 2017 refreshment list.
Phil Christ reported that our current officers will retain their position for 2017. There were no
nominations from the floor. Elections will be at December meeting.
Phil Christ proposed a new award the “Presidents Choice Award.” A motion was made and passed
approving this award. Phil will discuss his selection with the club officers.
A handout was provided to assist members in choosing the annual “Most Helpful” and “Most Spirited”
award. These awards are given at the Holiday Dinner.
The annual Lansdale Mardi Gras Parade is set for November 19th. The line up information will be
sent to us by e-mail and will be forwarded to the membership. Lunch to follow at the American Star Diner.
The annual Souderton Christmas Parade is set for December 3rd with line-up at 10:30am. The line-up
location will be sent by e-mail. Lunch to follow at O’Gradys.
A New Years day get together was discussed. A covered dish meal at either Mermaid Lake or the home
of Ruth Ann and Phil Christ. We will finalize the location at the December meeting.
MARC is hosting a membership meet in Gettysburg, PA July 30th to August 4th. Some hotels are
already booked.. If attending this event it is suggested to make reservations ASAP.
A special thanks to Doug Emerson for providing pictures of various club events.
Tech Talk- Tom Huducki suggested purchasing technical DVD’s to assist members in making repairs.
Howard Kriebel and Jim Ford talked about the braking system.
50-50 Drawing- Won by Joan Whitmire.
The December Meeting is the 5th at the Penndale Middle School. Refreshments list- Christ, Volpe,
Berlinger and Howard.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.