North Penn Model A Ford Club
Minutes of the Meeting
May 6, 2019
The meeting (held at Penndale Middle School, Lansdale, PA) was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Phil Christ. There were 30 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report – The April minutes were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report – The current Treasury balance is $4713.60.
Members to report on
Annette Watson is recovering slowly.
Cheryl Emerson had a set back over the weekend.
Irene MacIlwain had cataract surgery.
Frank Gormley is now in physical therapy and is progressing.
Events to Report on
April 6 – “Manufacturing Victory: The Arsenal of Democracy” exhibit at Mercer Museum. 12 members attended.
May 4 – Tech Session at Old Forge, Lansdale. 42 members attended. Focus was on shocks. (Donations totally $20 for hot dogs and donuts were received from non-members.) Note: Ken Valeri has 4 pairs of shocks he doesn’t need.
Future Events
May 10 (Friday) – Tour the Mack Truck Museum; $5 donation/person. Tour Northern Bucks, Northampton and Lehigh Counties. Lunch at the Superior Restaurant, Emmaus. Meet at 9:45 am at Richland Crossing Mall (park at Regal Cinema behind Walmart), Quakertown. Shirley Kernechel coordinating
May 18 – Trexlertown Model A/AA Show and Swap - 9 am–3 pm. Goodwill Fire Company, 7723 Hamilton Blvd, Breinigsville, PA. Howard Kriebel conducting a seminar. If anyone wants to drive together, contact Tom Hudecki.
May 18 – Car show and fair – 9 am–3 pm. American Heritage Credit Union, 2060 Red Lion Rd, Philadelphia. Donation of $5 goes to a children’s charity
May 18 – Ambler Car Show – 1-5 pm. Butler Avenue
May 24 – North Penn High School Car Show – 9:30am. Students’ cars and Club members’ cars.
May 25 – Heidelberg UCC Church Car Show (1101 Cowpath Rd, Hatfield). Registration day of show $15. Contact Jerry Watson for details.
May 27 – Collegeville/Trappe Memorial Day Parade – “Honor WWII Veterans”. Meet at 9 am at Augustus Lutheran Church (717 W. Main St., Trappe). Please let Howard Kriebel know what model you will be driving. After the parade, enjoy visiting and barbeque with the Kriebels (90 Sixth Ave., Collegeville).
June 15 – NPMAFC Picnic, Green Lane. Meet at Walmart, Harleysville at 10 am or go directly to the Park. The Club provides chicken and hamburgers, drinks and paper products. Contact Beth Howard to sign up for food donations.
June 15 – Under the Lights Car Show, Main St, Lansdale – 7 pm. $13 pre-registration; $15 day of show. Entrance – Whites Rd. to Cannon Ave.
June 22 - Trinity Lutheran Church Car Show, Fairview Village
July 4 – Oreland Parade. Contact Carol Allen
July 4 – Skippack Parade
July 6 – “Rebels & Red Coats” Car Show, Washington Crossing. (Rebels – American & French cars; Red Coats – British cars) Carol Allen can get some free tickets.
August 3 – Macungie breakfast at the Wood’s – 8 am. Help needed to set up and tear down. Contact Dave Wood.
Aug. 4-10 – MARC Meet, Dearborn, MI
Nov. 2 – Special tour of 3 Dog Garage, Boyertown for NPMAFC, DVR-AACA, Lehigh Valley Club. Details to follow.
Car Updates
Bruce Saylor sold his 1930 Model A and then purchased a 1957 T-bird red-on-red-on-red.
Tech Session
Tom Hudecki wants to develop a safety inspection list for the cars. Reviewing the condition of cars could be conducted during a Club outing.
The 50/50 raffle was won by Al Schneider.
A thank you to Mark Howard for publishing the new Membership Roster and to Doug Emerson for printing additional copies of the roster for everyone.
Program for the June meeting will be the Steinmetz car collection from Pottstown, presented by John Elliott and Ivan Hess.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, June 3, 2019 at the Penndale Middle School.
Refreshments for the June meeting will be provided by Dini Vigliano, Kathy DeHaven, Cliff Wilson and John Posen
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall.
Minutes of the Meeting
May 6, 2019
The meeting (held at Penndale Middle School, Lansdale, PA) was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Phil Christ. There were 30 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report – The April minutes were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report – The current Treasury balance is $4713.60.
Members to report on
Annette Watson is recovering slowly.
Cheryl Emerson had a set back over the weekend.
Irene MacIlwain had cataract surgery.
Frank Gormley is now in physical therapy and is progressing.
Events to Report on
April 6 – “Manufacturing Victory: The Arsenal of Democracy” exhibit at Mercer Museum. 12 members attended.
May 4 – Tech Session at Old Forge, Lansdale. 42 members attended. Focus was on shocks. (Donations totally $20 for hot dogs and donuts were received from non-members.) Note: Ken Valeri has 4 pairs of shocks he doesn’t need.
Future Events
May 10 (Friday) – Tour the Mack Truck Museum; $5 donation/person. Tour Northern Bucks, Northampton and Lehigh Counties. Lunch at the Superior Restaurant, Emmaus. Meet at 9:45 am at Richland Crossing Mall (park at Regal Cinema behind Walmart), Quakertown. Shirley Kernechel coordinating
May 18 – Trexlertown Model A/AA Show and Swap - 9 am–3 pm. Goodwill Fire Company, 7723 Hamilton Blvd, Breinigsville, PA. Howard Kriebel conducting a seminar. If anyone wants to drive together, contact Tom Hudecki.
May 18 – Car show and fair – 9 am–3 pm. American Heritage Credit Union, 2060 Red Lion Rd, Philadelphia. Donation of $5 goes to a children’s charity
May 18 – Ambler Car Show – 1-5 pm. Butler Avenue
May 24 – North Penn High School Car Show – 9:30am. Students’ cars and Club members’ cars.
May 25 – Heidelberg UCC Church Car Show (1101 Cowpath Rd, Hatfield). Registration day of show $15. Contact Jerry Watson for details.
May 27 – Collegeville/Trappe Memorial Day Parade – “Honor WWII Veterans”. Meet at 9 am at Augustus Lutheran Church (717 W. Main St., Trappe). Please let Howard Kriebel know what model you will be driving. After the parade, enjoy visiting and barbeque with the Kriebels (90 Sixth Ave., Collegeville).
June 15 – NPMAFC Picnic, Green Lane. Meet at Walmart, Harleysville at 10 am or go directly to the Park. The Club provides chicken and hamburgers, drinks and paper products. Contact Beth Howard to sign up for food donations.
June 15 – Under the Lights Car Show, Main St, Lansdale – 7 pm. $13 pre-registration; $15 day of show. Entrance – Whites Rd. to Cannon Ave.
June 22 - Trinity Lutheran Church Car Show, Fairview Village
July 4 – Oreland Parade. Contact Carol Allen
July 4 – Skippack Parade
July 6 – “Rebels & Red Coats” Car Show, Washington Crossing. (Rebels – American & French cars; Red Coats – British cars) Carol Allen can get some free tickets.
August 3 – Macungie breakfast at the Wood’s – 8 am. Help needed to set up and tear down. Contact Dave Wood.
Aug. 4-10 – MARC Meet, Dearborn, MI
Nov. 2 – Special tour of 3 Dog Garage, Boyertown for NPMAFC, DVR-AACA, Lehigh Valley Club. Details to follow.
Car Updates
Bruce Saylor sold his 1930 Model A and then purchased a 1957 T-bird red-on-red-on-red.
Tech Session
Tom Hudecki wants to develop a safety inspection list for the cars. Reviewing the condition of cars could be conducted during a Club outing.
The 50/50 raffle was won by Al Schneider.
A thank you to Mark Howard for publishing the new Membership Roster and to Doug Emerson for printing additional copies of the roster for everyone.
Program for the June meeting will be the Steinmetz car collection from Pottstown, presented by John Elliott and Ivan Hess.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, June 3, 2019 at the Penndale Middle School.
Refreshments for the June meeting will be provided by Dini Vigliano, Kathy DeHaven, Cliff Wilson and John Posen
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall.