North Penn Model A Ford Club
May 1st 2017 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by President Phil Christ. The meeting was held
at the Penndale Middle School, Lansdale PA. There were 35 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report- The April minutes were read and approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report- Our balance is $4767.79. A detailed report will be submitted next month.
Old Business- Health Report- Gene Yeager, Bruce Saylor and Dave Woods are all doing well.
The tech session on April 22nd was well attended. Tony Russo did a presentation on detailing.
New Business- The tour to The Keith House and Wings of Freedom Museum is scheduled
for Saturday May 6th. Meet at Zoto’s Diner at 9am. Lunch at Lancer’s following the tour.
Upcoming events-
May 25th North Penn High School car show 10am.
May 29th- Memorial Day Parade Collegeville, PA Howard Kriebel will contact those who
signed up with meeting information.
June 4th Goschenhoppen Spring Frolic, Perkiomenville, PA Colonial Rd off Rt. 73 1 to 4pm.
June 10th NPMAFC picnic at Green Lane Park.
June 17th Lansdale Under the Lights.
July 4th Oreland and Glenside parades.
July 15th Doylestown car show.
July 30th to August 4th MARC National Meet, Gettysburg, PA
August 3rd to 6th Macungie car show, breakfast at the Wood’s on Saturday the 5th 8am.
August 19th Eastwood Company Auto Supply, Pottstown, PA, Model A Ford show.
The Morgantown Center Museum and Consignment Cars is opening soon.
Various members talked about their past automobile purchases.
Tech Talk- Tony Russo continued his presentation on detailing.
50-50 Drawling- The drawling was not held this month.
June Refreshments- Dini Vigliano, Kathy DeHaven, Cliff Wilson, Rich Andrews, John Posen
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
Minutes prepared by Jim Reed
May 1st 2017 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by President Phil Christ. The meeting was held
at the Penndale Middle School, Lansdale PA. There were 35 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report- The April minutes were read and approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report- Our balance is $4767.79. A detailed report will be submitted next month.
Old Business- Health Report- Gene Yeager, Bruce Saylor and Dave Woods are all doing well.
The tech session on April 22nd was well attended. Tony Russo did a presentation on detailing.
New Business- The tour to The Keith House and Wings of Freedom Museum is scheduled
for Saturday May 6th. Meet at Zoto’s Diner at 9am. Lunch at Lancer’s following the tour.
Upcoming events-
May 25th North Penn High School car show 10am.
May 29th- Memorial Day Parade Collegeville, PA Howard Kriebel will contact those who
signed up with meeting information.
June 4th Goschenhoppen Spring Frolic, Perkiomenville, PA Colonial Rd off Rt. 73 1 to 4pm.
June 10th NPMAFC picnic at Green Lane Park.
June 17th Lansdale Under the Lights.
July 4th Oreland and Glenside parades.
July 15th Doylestown car show.
July 30th to August 4th MARC National Meet, Gettysburg, PA
August 3rd to 6th Macungie car show, breakfast at the Wood’s on Saturday the 5th 8am.
August 19th Eastwood Company Auto Supply, Pottstown, PA, Model A Ford show.
The Morgantown Center Museum and Consignment Cars is opening soon.
Various members talked about their past automobile purchases.
Tech Talk- Tony Russo continued his presentation on detailing.
50-50 Drawling- The drawling was not held this month.
June Refreshments- Dini Vigliano, Kathy DeHaven, Cliff Wilson, Rich Andrews, John Posen
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
Minutes prepared by Jim Reed