North Penn Model A Ford Club
Minutes of the Meeting
March 7, 2020
The meeting was held at Joe Rogers’ garage, Boyertown. It was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by President Phil Christ. There were 42 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report – Minutes of the Feb. meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report – The current Treasury balance is $4021.31.
Members to Report on
Cheryl Emerson is scheduled for ankle surgery on March 13.
John Posen had back surgery and is now home recuperating.
Ed Roth participated in the visit to Joe Rogers’ garage on Saturday and was in good spirits and good health. Sadly, Saturday evening he had a massive heart attack and passed away.
Doug Emerson printed the 2020 member roster, photos from the Jan. 1 progressive dinner and MAFCA articles on paint colors and electrical system. They were available at the meeting.
Regarding officers for the next year, Phil Christ will not be running. Bob Martino will succeed him as President. We will need a new Vice President. Anyone interested, please see Phil.
Future Events
April 30-May 2 - The Lancaster County tour (Thursday-Saturday) is on hold.
Spring TBD – Garage tour for the North Penn High School Car Club members – on hold.
June 13 – NPMAFC Picnic at Green Lane Park.
The 50/50 raffle was won by Tony Russo.
Joe Rogers hosted the members for a tour of his vehicle collection. It was very important to him to make all of the cars run. He collects cars “that are older than him.” Joe shared the history of each vehicle, its previous owner, when he bought it and favorite memories. Vehicles range from his first car, a Model A he purchased at auction in 1947, a 1909 Mitchell Model K (like his parents had) through his Lincolns from 1912 to 1931. Many thanks to Joe for an informative and enjoyable visit.
The next meeting, scheduled for Monday, April 6, at the school, is on hold due to the coronavirus situation. Refreshments for the April meeting will be provided by Elliott, Silverman, Ford, Bosler, Emerson.
The May meeting will be offsite – to be confirmed.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall
Minutes of the Meeting
March 7, 2020
The meeting was held at Joe Rogers’ garage, Boyertown. It was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by President Phil Christ. There were 42 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report – Minutes of the Feb. meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report – The current Treasury balance is $4021.31.
Members to Report on
Cheryl Emerson is scheduled for ankle surgery on March 13.
John Posen had back surgery and is now home recuperating.
Ed Roth participated in the visit to Joe Rogers’ garage on Saturday and was in good spirits and good health. Sadly, Saturday evening he had a massive heart attack and passed away.
Doug Emerson printed the 2020 member roster, photos from the Jan. 1 progressive dinner and MAFCA articles on paint colors and electrical system. They were available at the meeting.
Regarding officers for the next year, Phil Christ will not be running. Bob Martino will succeed him as President. We will need a new Vice President. Anyone interested, please see Phil.
Future Events
April 30-May 2 - The Lancaster County tour (Thursday-Saturday) is on hold.
Spring TBD – Garage tour for the North Penn High School Car Club members – on hold.
June 13 – NPMAFC Picnic at Green Lane Park.
The 50/50 raffle was won by Tony Russo.
Joe Rogers hosted the members for a tour of his vehicle collection. It was very important to him to make all of the cars run. He collects cars “that are older than him.” Joe shared the history of each vehicle, its previous owner, when he bought it and favorite memories. Vehicles range from his first car, a Model A he purchased at auction in 1947, a 1909 Mitchell Model K (like his parents had) through his Lincolns from 1912 to 1931. Many thanks to Joe for an informative and enjoyable visit.
The next meeting, scheduled for Monday, April 6, at the school, is on hold due to the coronavirus situation. Refreshments for the April meeting will be provided by Elliott, Silverman, Ford, Bosler, Emerson.
The May meeting will be offsite – to be confirmed.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall