North Penn Model A Ford Club
Minutes of the Meeting
June 19, 2021
The meeting, held at Ken and Linda Valeri’s garage, was called to order at 11:00 am by President Bob Martino. There were 29 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report – Minutes from the May 1, 2021 meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report – The current Treasury balance is $4,520.42. A separate account was opened to handle the MARC Meet. An advance of $400 was transferred into this account to cover initial expenses and this money will be returned to the Club treasury.
Members to Report on
New member Bob Adams was welcomed into the Club.
Car Update and New Purchase
No updates.
Future Events
July 4 – Skippack Parade – Contact Carol Allen. Meet at 10 am to line up for the parade. It’s okay to toss candy to spectators during the parade. Following the parade (±12 noon) plan to drive through Meadowood Senior Living twice, then on to Fischer’s Park for a “bring your own” bag lunch. Ending the day with ice cream at Merrymead Farms.
August 7 – Macungie breakfast at Sue and Dave Wood’s, 8 am, rain or shine. Call Sue (610-287-6380) to tell her you’re coming and if you’re bringing anything. “A mini car show before Macungie.”
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Saturday, July 17, at 10 am at Ken and Linda Valeri’s garage.
2022 MARC National Meet – June 5-11
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to updates for the MARC National Meet in Morgantown.
Bob Martino and Frank Falcone met with MARC officials with plans for the 2022 National Meet. MARC is excited that the Meet will be in the Lancaster area. Bob is getting a lot of support from MARC members and already sold $400+ worth of raffle tickets. A 2-page ad was placed in the May-June issue of Model “A” News. Ads will be placed in future issues. Lehigh Valley club has 6-7 members volunteering to help; the Susquehanna club will ask for member volunteers.
MARC will print directional signs from the PA Turnpike exit.
Barbara Gormley will coordinate with the County Chamber of Commerce to see if someone can sit in the hotel lobby to provide local tour information.
Bob Martino and Frank Falcone will build two rolling beverage bars that will be donated to the hotel to show our appreciation.
We will need several people to stuff attendee envelopes with event tickets, etc. for pick-up at the Meet.
Mail-in Registration – Mail-in registration will begin in January and sent directly to our Club. There’s a 2-page registration form. We should expect 500 to register. Each registration is assigned a number to keep track of what events are signed up and paid for. Diane Hall and Linda Valeri volunteered to process the registrations. MARC has a software package to process the registrations. Procedure to process payments (by check, credit card, PayPal) to be clarified.
Arrival/Registration – The Registration Room will be set up 8 am-6 pm Sunday, Monday and Tuesday for attendees to pick up their registration packet and goodie bag. Shirts and hats will be sold; Bob Martino is handling ordering shirts and hats. We need 3-4 people, especially on Sunday and Monday. The following people have volunteered: Bruce Tempone (Sunday only), Dini Vigliano (Sunday and Monday), David Falls, Gary Volpe (Monday and Tuesday), Shirley Kernechel, Steve Sensenich, Karen Roth, Joan Whitmire, Barbara Gormley, Sue Wood.
Greeters – We will need greeters (at least 2 at a time) at the hotel entrance, esp. Sunday and Monday, to direct people to the Registration Room and to answer any questions.
Swap Meet – Tom Hudecki and Frank Falcone are handling this. The swap meet will set up on Sunday.
Welcome Party – Monday evening. A buffet; approx. $40/person.
Ice Cream Social – Wednesday evening. Carol Allen will contact Turkey Hill for ice cream. The hotel has offered someone to dip the ice cream or we could use a Club volunteer. We will have assorted toppings, etc.
Picnic – Thursday evening (5:30/6:00 pm). Rent a large tent on the hotel grounds. Check into a caterer (i.e., Shady Maple?). Charge approx. $25/person
Banquet – Friday evening. A sit-down dinner
Grand Tour - Carol Allen and Tony Russo are planning the Grand Tour for Thursday. This is the only organized tour. The tour will start at the Holiday Inn, Morgantown and go to other participating hotels to pick up participants. The route will be at least 25 miles one way – all on back roads – to Landis Valley Museum. The route will be printed in the Meet Booklet.
There will be information for self-guided tours available. Inquire if the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce would offer a representative in the hotel lobby to assist in this.
Hospitality Room – This is located in the corridor between the Judging Room and the Fashion Show, so that people can socialize and watch each event. It will be open 9 am–4 pm daily. We need donations (snacks, beverages, etc.) Barbara Gormley said businesses have an online application for donations. Carol Allen offered to contact companies to donate (i.e., Herr’s Potato Chips, Turkey Hill, Wawa, Clover Farms, local businesses). Steve Sensenich will help organize. We will need 1-2 people in the room to keep the snacks and beverages supplied.
Auction – The auction will be held Friday morning (10 am-12n) in the tent used for the picnic. Suggested auctioneers – Earl MacIlwain and Tony Russo. Asking attendees to donate something (anything, not necessarily car-related). Money raised will be donated to the MARC Museum. Auction paddles will be made up (maybe put them in the goodie bag so attendees can use them as a fan during the Meet).
Raffle – The big ticket raffle items are 5 tires donated by Kelsey Tires, a Model A transmission donated by Howard Kriebel, and a Model A engine donated by Bob Martino which will be rebuilt prior to the Meet. Personalized tickets were printed for each item. Tickets are available for $5 each or 5 for $20. See Bob to purchase. Secondly, smaller items donated by Club members or by local businesses will be raffled. Tickets will cost $1 each or 6 for $5. These tickets will be similar to our 50/50 tickets. The tickets will be dropped into a raffle bucket that is next to the item. MARC will lend the club the raffle buckets and Carol Allen will donate rolls of tickets.
Meet Booklet – Mark Howard handling, along with all publicity. The Meet schedule, Grand Tour route, all Meet-associated information will be included. We need sponsors (local businesses, automobile insurance companies, etc.) to purchase ads in the booklet. Mark will need help to contact sponsors.
Repair Tent – The Lehigh Valley club has offered some help. Someone does not need to be at the tent at all times but a contact cell phone number will be printed in the Meet Booklet.
Hubley Derby – Bob Martino is going to contact the person who runs this event each year. None of our club members will be needed to help with this activity.
Youth Chassis – Bob Martino is going to contact the person who runs this event each year. None of our club members will be needed to help with this activity.
List of workers
Your help is needed to have a successful 2022 Meet. Use the Members Roster to contact Bob or the people listed below to volunteer for any of these tasks.
Bob Adams – can work entire week
Steven Sensenich – handling all food functions – welcome party, banquet, picnic, awards
Dave Wood – one day
Approx. 40 rooms are being reserved at the Holiday Inn (host hotel) for MARC workers, Board members and NPMAFC workers. The general public can start making hotel reservations on July 1. Rooms will book quickly. Please contact Bob Martino immediately if you are requesting a room be held. Bob will have the rooms help but you still must contact the Holiday Inn to register. Those requesting rooms:
Bob and Diane Hall – arr. Sat. 6/4; depart Fri. 6/11
Bob Adams – arr. Sat. 6/4; depart Fri. 6/11
Steve Sensenich – arr. Sat. 6/4; depart Fri. 6/11
Carol Allen – arr. Sat. 6/4; depart ??
Ken and Linda Valeri – request 2 nights
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall
Minutes of the Meeting
June 19, 2021
The meeting, held at Ken and Linda Valeri’s garage, was called to order at 11:00 am by President Bob Martino. There were 29 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report – Minutes from the May 1, 2021 meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report – The current Treasury balance is $4,520.42. A separate account was opened to handle the MARC Meet. An advance of $400 was transferred into this account to cover initial expenses and this money will be returned to the Club treasury.
Members to Report on
New member Bob Adams was welcomed into the Club.
Car Update and New Purchase
No updates.
Future Events
July 4 – Skippack Parade – Contact Carol Allen. Meet at 10 am to line up for the parade. It’s okay to toss candy to spectators during the parade. Following the parade (±12 noon) plan to drive through Meadowood Senior Living twice, then on to Fischer’s Park for a “bring your own” bag lunch. Ending the day with ice cream at Merrymead Farms.
August 7 – Macungie breakfast at Sue and Dave Wood’s, 8 am, rain or shine. Call Sue (610-287-6380) to tell her you’re coming and if you’re bringing anything. “A mini car show before Macungie.”
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Saturday, July 17, at 10 am at Ken and Linda Valeri’s garage.
2022 MARC National Meet – June 5-11
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to updates for the MARC National Meet in Morgantown.
Bob Martino and Frank Falcone met with MARC officials with plans for the 2022 National Meet. MARC is excited that the Meet will be in the Lancaster area. Bob is getting a lot of support from MARC members and already sold $400+ worth of raffle tickets. A 2-page ad was placed in the May-June issue of Model “A” News. Ads will be placed in future issues. Lehigh Valley club has 6-7 members volunteering to help; the Susquehanna club will ask for member volunteers.
MARC will print directional signs from the PA Turnpike exit.
Barbara Gormley will coordinate with the County Chamber of Commerce to see if someone can sit in the hotel lobby to provide local tour information.
Bob Martino and Frank Falcone will build two rolling beverage bars that will be donated to the hotel to show our appreciation.
We will need several people to stuff attendee envelopes with event tickets, etc. for pick-up at the Meet.
Mail-in Registration – Mail-in registration will begin in January and sent directly to our Club. There’s a 2-page registration form. We should expect 500 to register. Each registration is assigned a number to keep track of what events are signed up and paid for. Diane Hall and Linda Valeri volunteered to process the registrations. MARC has a software package to process the registrations. Procedure to process payments (by check, credit card, PayPal) to be clarified.
Arrival/Registration – The Registration Room will be set up 8 am-6 pm Sunday, Monday and Tuesday for attendees to pick up their registration packet and goodie bag. Shirts and hats will be sold; Bob Martino is handling ordering shirts and hats. We need 3-4 people, especially on Sunday and Monday. The following people have volunteered: Bruce Tempone (Sunday only), Dini Vigliano (Sunday and Monday), David Falls, Gary Volpe (Monday and Tuesday), Shirley Kernechel, Steve Sensenich, Karen Roth, Joan Whitmire, Barbara Gormley, Sue Wood.
Greeters – We will need greeters (at least 2 at a time) at the hotel entrance, esp. Sunday and Monday, to direct people to the Registration Room and to answer any questions.
Swap Meet – Tom Hudecki and Frank Falcone are handling this. The swap meet will set up on Sunday.
Welcome Party – Monday evening. A buffet; approx. $40/person.
Ice Cream Social – Wednesday evening. Carol Allen will contact Turkey Hill for ice cream. The hotel has offered someone to dip the ice cream or we could use a Club volunteer. We will have assorted toppings, etc.
Picnic – Thursday evening (5:30/6:00 pm). Rent a large tent on the hotel grounds. Check into a caterer (i.e., Shady Maple?). Charge approx. $25/person
Banquet – Friday evening. A sit-down dinner
Grand Tour - Carol Allen and Tony Russo are planning the Grand Tour for Thursday. This is the only organized tour. The tour will start at the Holiday Inn, Morgantown and go to other participating hotels to pick up participants. The route will be at least 25 miles one way – all on back roads – to Landis Valley Museum. The route will be printed in the Meet Booklet.
There will be information for self-guided tours available. Inquire if the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce would offer a representative in the hotel lobby to assist in this.
Hospitality Room – This is located in the corridor between the Judging Room and the Fashion Show, so that people can socialize and watch each event. It will be open 9 am–4 pm daily. We need donations (snacks, beverages, etc.) Barbara Gormley said businesses have an online application for donations. Carol Allen offered to contact companies to donate (i.e., Herr’s Potato Chips, Turkey Hill, Wawa, Clover Farms, local businesses). Steve Sensenich will help organize. We will need 1-2 people in the room to keep the snacks and beverages supplied.
Auction – The auction will be held Friday morning (10 am-12n) in the tent used for the picnic. Suggested auctioneers – Earl MacIlwain and Tony Russo. Asking attendees to donate something (anything, not necessarily car-related). Money raised will be donated to the MARC Museum. Auction paddles will be made up (maybe put them in the goodie bag so attendees can use them as a fan during the Meet).
Raffle – The big ticket raffle items are 5 tires donated by Kelsey Tires, a Model A transmission donated by Howard Kriebel, and a Model A engine donated by Bob Martino which will be rebuilt prior to the Meet. Personalized tickets were printed for each item. Tickets are available for $5 each or 5 for $20. See Bob to purchase. Secondly, smaller items donated by Club members or by local businesses will be raffled. Tickets will cost $1 each or 6 for $5. These tickets will be similar to our 50/50 tickets. The tickets will be dropped into a raffle bucket that is next to the item. MARC will lend the club the raffle buckets and Carol Allen will donate rolls of tickets.
Meet Booklet – Mark Howard handling, along with all publicity. The Meet schedule, Grand Tour route, all Meet-associated information will be included. We need sponsors (local businesses, automobile insurance companies, etc.) to purchase ads in the booklet. Mark will need help to contact sponsors.
Repair Tent – The Lehigh Valley club has offered some help. Someone does not need to be at the tent at all times but a contact cell phone number will be printed in the Meet Booklet.
Hubley Derby – Bob Martino is going to contact the person who runs this event each year. None of our club members will be needed to help with this activity.
Youth Chassis – Bob Martino is going to contact the person who runs this event each year. None of our club members will be needed to help with this activity.
List of workers
Your help is needed to have a successful 2022 Meet. Use the Members Roster to contact Bob or the people listed below to volunteer for any of these tasks.
- Swap Meet – Frank Falcone and Tom Hudecki
- Hotel Rooms – Barbara & Frank Gormley and Dave & Joan Whitmire
- Local Tours – Howard Kriebel
- Grand Tour – Carol Allen and Tony Russo
- Meet Booklet and Signage Design and Printing – Mark Howard
- Welcome Party and Awards Program – Mark Howard
- Ad sponsors – Mark Howard and Howard Kriebel
- Meet Facebook page – Beth Howard
- Local Attractions
- Local Store Conveniences and Emergency Services
- MARC/NPMAFC Merchandise Design and Printing – Bob Martino
- Auction – Earl MacIlwain and Tony Russo
- Goodie Bags
- Repair Tent/Trailer – Lehigh Valley Club
- Hubley Derby – Bob Martino
- Youth Chassis – Bob Martino
- Era Fashion Judging and Show
- Model A Judging and Show
- Seminars – Bob Martino
- Mail-in registration – Diane Hall and Linda Valeri
- Attendee Envelopes
- Registration Desk – Bruce Tempone (Sunday only), Dini Vigliano (Sunday and Monday), David Falls, Gary Volpe (Monday and Tuesday), Shirley Kernechel, Karen Roth, Steve Sensenich, Joan Whitmire, Barbara Gormley, Sue Wood
- Hospitality Room – Carol Allen, Steve Sensenich, Diane Hall
- Raffle Room
- Host Hotel Greeters – Bob Hall
- Parking Lot Greeter – Bob Hall
- Ice Cream Social – Carol Allen
- Welcome Party – Steven Sensenich
Bob Adams – can work entire week
Steven Sensenich – handling all food functions – welcome party, banquet, picnic, awards
Dave Wood – one day
Approx. 40 rooms are being reserved at the Holiday Inn (host hotel) for MARC workers, Board members and NPMAFC workers. The general public can start making hotel reservations on July 1. Rooms will book quickly. Please contact Bob Martino immediately if you are requesting a room be held. Bob will have the rooms help but you still must contact the Holiday Inn to register. Those requesting rooms:
Bob and Diane Hall – arr. Sat. 6/4; depart Fri. 6/11
Bob Adams – arr. Sat. 6/4; depart Fri. 6/11
Steve Sensenich – arr. Sat. 6/4; depart Fri. 6/11
Carol Allen – arr. Sat. 6/4; depart ??
Ken and Linda Valeri – request 2 nights
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall