North Penn Model A Ford Club
Minutes of the Meeting
February 5, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Vice President Jack Wright. The meeting was held at Penndale Middle School, Lansdale, PA. There were 45 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report – The December minutes were read and approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report – The balance, as of today, is $5156.37. Ed noted that December and January are the busiest months for the Treasury, with Holiday Party and dues. 62 families renewed membership; 2 did not; 3 new members in 2017. The roster will be emailed to members shortly. Dues of $1160 from 58 members is the club’s primary income. Ed’s report was approved as submitted.
Old Business
Jan. 7 – Holiday Party at Bay Pony Inn. Awards were given for Most Helpful – Howard Kriebel; Most Spirited – Ed Roth. The Rusty Wrench was awarded to Tom Hudecki and Kathy DeHaven. Bob Martino was honored for receiving the MARC of Excellence Award and the Henry Ford Award for his 1927 AA panel truck.
Raffle - Our club is raffling off a table and original watercolor painting to benefit two veterans. Live edge wood table handcrafted by Dave Wood. Chester County Barn watercolor painted by Carl Berlinger (17x21, double matted, framed behind conservation glass). The raffle tickets are $5 each being sold by Jack Wright. Tickets can be purchased at our club meetings or by calling Jack (610-584-5937).
Upcoming Events
February – Car Swap, at NPHS – will notify date by email, weather dependent
March 24 – Whitpain Township Tour - Two Museums to visit / P. Christ/ meet at 9:30 AM at Worcester School, Rt. 73
April 7 - AACA-DVR Tour to Pennsbury Manor, Bristol. NPMAFC members invited to participate. Call Ken/Elsa Dages (NPMAFC members) for information.
April 14 - Spring Tech Session, Old Forge, Lansdale
April 22 – Trexlertown Model A Ford Day Show and Swap, 9 AM – 3 PM
May 3-5 – Lancaster Tour (Multi-Day) / E. Roth
May ? - North Penn High School Car Show, 9:00 AM - 12:45 PM, NPHS
May 28 - Memorial Day Parade, Collegeville/Trappe
June 9 - NPMAFC Picnic, Green Lane
June 16 – Lansdale Under the Lights Show
The 50/50 drawing was won by Doug Emerson.
Howard Kriebel gave a very informative presentation on Model A brakes.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall
Refreshments for March will be provided by – Howard Kriebel, Bob Martino, Perry Rogers, Ken Valeri, Jay Ogle
Minutes of the Meeting
February 5, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Vice President Jack Wright. The meeting was held at Penndale Middle School, Lansdale, PA. There were 45 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report – The December minutes were read and approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report – The balance, as of today, is $5156.37. Ed noted that December and January are the busiest months for the Treasury, with Holiday Party and dues. 62 families renewed membership; 2 did not; 3 new members in 2017. The roster will be emailed to members shortly. Dues of $1160 from 58 members is the club’s primary income. Ed’s report was approved as submitted.
Old Business
Jan. 7 – Holiday Party at Bay Pony Inn. Awards were given for Most Helpful – Howard Kriebel; Most Spirited – Ed Roth. The Rusty Wrench was awarded to Tom Hudecki and Kathy DeHaven. Bob Martino was honored for receiving the MARC of Excellence Award and the Henry Ford Award for his 1927 AA panel truck.
Raffle - Our club is raffling off a table and original watercolor painting to benefit two veterans. Live edge wood table handcrafted by Dave Wood. Chester County Barn watercolor painted by Carl Berlinger (17x21, double matted, framed behind conservation glass). The raffle tickets are $5 each being sold by Jack Wright. Tickets can be purchased at our club meetings or by calling Jack (610-584-5937).
Upcoming Events
February – Car Swap, at NPHS – will notify date by email, weather dependent
March 24 – Whitpain Township Tour - Two Museums to visit / P. Christ/ meet at 9:30 AM at Worcester School, Rt. 73
April 7 - AACA-DVR Tour to Pennsbury Manor, Bristol. NPMAFC members invited to participate. Call Ken/Elsa Dages (NPMAFC members) for information.
April 14 - Spring Tech Session, Old Forge, Lansdale
April 22 – Trexlertown Model A Ford Day Show and Swap, 9 AM – 3 PM
May 3-5 – Lancaster Tour (Multi-Day) / E. Roth
May ? - North Penn High School Car Show, 9:00 AM - 12:45 PM, NPHS
May 28 - Memorial Day Parade, Collegeville/Trappe
June 9 - NPMAFC Picnic, Green Lane
June 16 – Lansdale Under the Lights Show
The 50/50 drawing was won by Doug Emerson.
Howard Kriebel gave a very informative presentation on Model A brakes.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Diane Hall
Refreshments for March will be provided by – Howard Kriebel, Bob Martino, Perry Rogers, Ken Valeri, Jay Ogle