North Penn Model A Ford Club
February 6th Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by President Phil Christ. The meeting was held at
the Penndale Middle School, Lansdale PA. There were 42 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report- The December minutes were read and approved as submitted.
Treasure’s Report- Ed Roth reported an end of year balance of $6444.79. The current balance
after our Holiday Party expenses is $5244.79. A $500.00 donation resulting from the proceeds
of our raffle will be paid to a disabled veteran. Ed’s report was approved as submitted.
Old Business- MARC is running a new members campaign. Membership is half price at $22.50
The NPMAFC 2017 membership dues are complete. All but three families renewed their
The updated refreshment list is posted on the club website.
The new years day pot luck dinner at the home of Dave and Susan Woods was well attended
by 34 members. Thank you to Dave and Susan for hosting this event.
The annual Holiday Party was a great success with 56 members enjoying the evening.
The “Rusty Wrench Award” was presented to Carl and Ellen Berlinger, the “Most Spirited Award” to
Dave Woods and the “Most Helpful Award” to Gary Volpe.
The winners of the raffle were Ed Roth and Joe Rogers. Ed won the painting and Joe the bench.
New Business- Gene Yeager will have back surgery on February 7th. We are wishing Gene a
speedy recovery.
Many activities for the upcoming year were discussed. A tour scheduled for Saturday March 25th
to Graeme Park featuring the 1722 Keith House which is the only surviving residence of a Colonial
Pennsylvania Governor, and then on to the Wings of Freedom Aviation Museum, Horsham PA.
Carl Berlinger will head up this tour.
April 1st- Morgantown PA to celebrate the “Presidents Choice Award” with Joan and Dave Whitmire.
We are looking into The Shady Maple or Yoder’s for dinner.
April 22nd- NPMAFC Tech Session at Old Forge Motors, Lansdale PA.
April 29th- Model A Ford Day at Grist Mill Park, Hellertown, PA
May- Tour to the home of Harry Tucci, Spring City PA, to view his collection of carriages and Rolls Royce collection. The date will be announced. Frank Gormley will head up this tour.
May 29th- Memorial Day Parade, Collegeville, PA
June 4th- Goschenhoppen Spring Frolic, Perkiomenville, PA
June 10th- NPMAFC picnic at Green Lane Park.
July 4th- Oreland and Glenside parades.
July 30th to August 4th- MARC National Meet, Gettysburg, PA
August 3rd to 6th- Macungie car show, breakfast at the Wood’s on Saturday the 5th.
Other events with dates to be announced are- The North Penn High School car show, Lansdale
Under the Lights and the DVR Dust Off run.
Joe Rogers and Carl Berlinger discussed a possible tour of Philadelphia or Fairmount Park.
Technical- A DVD on “Troubleshooting the Model A” was shown.
Thanks to Doug Emerson for printing the revised 2017 club roster.
50-50 Drawling- Won by Dave Buehler.
March Refreshments- Howard Kriebel, Bob Martino, Perry Rogers and Ken Valeri.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm.
Minutes prepared by Jim Reed
February 6th Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by President Phil Christ. The meeting was held at
the Penndale Middle School, Lansdale PA. There were 42 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report- The December minutes were read and approved as submitted.
Treasure’s Report- Ed Roth reported an end of year balance of $6444.79. The current balance
after our Holiday Party expenses is $5244.79. A $500.00 donation resulting from the proceeds
of our raffle will be paid to a disabled veteran. Ed’s report was approved as submitted.
Old Business- MARC is running a new members campaign. Membership is half price at $22.50
The NPMAFC 2017 membership dues are complete. All but three families renewed their
The updated refreshment list is posted on the club website.
The new years day pot luck dinner at the home of Dave and Susan Woods was well attended
by 34 members. Thank you to Dave and Susan for hosting this event.
The annual Holiday Party was a great success with 56 members enjoying the evening.
The “Rusty Wrench Award” was presented to Carl and Ellen Berlinger, the “Most Spirited Award” to
Dave Woods and the “Most Helpful Award” to Gary Volpe.
The winners of the raffle were Ed Roth and Joe Rogers. Ed won the painting and Joe the bench.
New Business- Gene Yeager will have back surgery on February 7th. We are wishing Gene a
speedy recovery.
Many activities for the upcoming year were discussed. A tour scheduled for Saturday March 25th
to Graeme Park featuring the 1722 Keith House which is the only surviving residence of a Colonial
Pennsylvania Governor, and then on to the Wings of Freedom Aviation Museum, Horsham PA.
Carl Berlinger will head up this tour.
April 1st- Morgantown PA to celebrate the “Presidents Choice Award” with Joan and Dave Whitmire.
We are looking into The Shady Maple or Yoder’s for dinner.
April 22nd- NPMAFC Tech Session at Old Forge Motors, Lansdale PA.
April 29th- Model A Ford Day at Grist Mill Park, Hellertown, PA
May- Tour to the home of Harry Tucci, Spring City PA, to view his collection of carriages and Rolls Royce collection. The date will be announced. Frank Gormley will head up this tour.
May 29th- Memorial Day Parade, Collegeville, PA
June 4th- Goschenhoppen Spring Frolic, Perkiomenville, PA
June 10th- NPMAFC picnic at Green Lane Park.
July 4th- Oreland and Glenside parades.
July 30th to August 4th- MARC National Meet, Gettysburg, PA
August 3rd to 6th- Macungie car show, breakfast at the Wood’s on Saturday the 5th.
Other events with dates to be announced are- The North Penn High School car show, Lansdale
Under the Lights and the DVR Dust Off run.
Joe Rogers and Carl Berlinger discussed a possible tour of Philadelphia or Fairmount Park.
Technical- A DVD on “Troubleshooting the Model A” was shown.
Thanks to Doug Emerson for printing the revised 2017 club roster.
50-50 Drawling- Won by Dave Buehler.
March Refreshments- Howard Kriebel, Bob Martino, Perry Rogers and Ken Valeri.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm.
Minutes prepared by Jim Reed