DECEMBER 7, 2015 Monthly Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:31pm by club vice-president Steven Sensenich. Notes were taken by Jim Ford
Treasurers Report Phil Christ reported that as of 30 November the club had Total Liabilities and Equity in the amount of $3,129.04 after recent remittances.
Old Business - The minutes from our November meeting were read and approved.
It was reported that the New Year’s Day club activity ‘Afternoon at the River’ would begin at 11:00am, weather permitting. Tony Russo is in charge.
Membership Report - Dick Longcoy reported that the renewal letters have gone out, and that includes both Dinner and Dues. We currently have 72 families in the club. Dick also said that the Club Roster will be available in both paper and electronic forms shortly. Presently publication cost runs about $70.00, and by making the roster available in PDF format members can it emailed. As a reminder, your MARC membership number can be found on the magazine’s mailing label.
More news on the electronic front; Ed Roth will be re-activating the Club website.
Refreshment Committee – Member in attendance had the opportunity to sign-up for their preferred month. Please let Dini Vigliano know which month you’d like, if you didn’t get the chance. We are looking to have five member volunteer each month. Please remember that January, July and August are exempt.
Tech Session Report – About a dozen club members attend and Gene fixed and adjusted many horns. Having a well-tuned horn is a hallmark of a Model A, and there were many appreciative little faces at the Mardi Gras parade them smiled at that sound! Howard K. had a cutaway-view transmission available and graciously provided information. Refreshments were provided by Diane Hall. Thanks Diane!!
Mardi Gras Parade Report - We had good weather and brought a BIG crowd! 19 cars and truck participated. Members enjoyed mutual company and fine fair afterwards at the All American Diner.
Souderton Parade Report - Members in attendance said we had 17-19 cars participating in the parade. There was a good weather and a good crowd too ushering in Holiday Spirit! O’Grady’s was the after-parade sight for refreshments.
Holiday Party - The Holiday party will see Carl & Ellen Berlinger as Master(s) of Ceremony. Please remember to bring a White Elephant gift valued at $10.00 for each person in attendance. The party runs from 4 – 8pm on January 4th at the Bay Pony Inn in Lederach. David Wood and Carl Berlinger will once again donate hand-crafted items for our raffle. As part of the club renewal mailings we once again have the chance to recognize member contributions by voting for Most Spirited, Most Helpful and Rusty Wrench candidates.
New Business - The meeting started with a guest speaker, Jim Burrill. Mr. Burrill spoke about military vehicles from the 1940’s and 50’s, most specifically British and British Commonwealth light armour wheeled and tracked vehicle’s. His club has two armored cars and two Universal carriers. Of interest to our members, the Universal carriers, commonly known as Bren gun carries, are powered by Ford flathead V-8’s as familiar to many of our members. His club participates in the ‘Battle of the Bulge’ Living History re-enactment held at the end of February at Ft. Indiantown Gap.
Looking forward to March, Phil & Ruth Christ will be coordinating a club tour in Doylestown. We are considering attending the Mercer Museum ( and the near-by Michener Art Museum ( ). More information can be found at the websites.
Recently our members have provided many great memories on these club tours and we are looking for new places to visit within our region. Please consider sharing your interests by coordinating and leading one of these tours.
The idea of holding a Club sponsored car show for charitable fund raising was raised by Gary V. Anyone with experience in this area would be welcomed to discuss those insights at our February meeting.
50-50 Drawing - Won by Gladys Ditzler. Congratulations! How often do you see someone pull their own ticket?
Car Updates - Pete Wilson has Close Cab ’31 Pickup truck for sale. The dark blue body is perfect. It also has new tires and brakes ( done by Dave W. ), a rebuilt carb and a rebuilt bed. Asking price is $24,000.
Ed R has two new cars; one is a ’31 Station Wagon and the second is a 1990 Mercury Colony Park wagon.
It was shared with the group that we want to use Peak ‘yellow cap’ antifreeze in our old cars. Do not use Prestone ‘orange cap’.
Tech Talk by Tom - in Tom’s absence Howard K. and Bob M. shared insightful information about the workings of the Distributor and early Model A multi-plate clutch operations, respectively. Bob also talked about his VERY early AA truck and how newly documented information is broadening the Judging Standards.
NOTE: Club sponsored events are listed in Bold type.
On your own events should not require membership in a club other than this one.
Jan 3rd
NPMAFC Holiday Party at the Bay Pony Inn, starting at 4pm. White Elephant gifts should be valued at $10 each and each person is to bring a gift.
Doylestown Museum Tour - Club to visit the Mercer and Michener museums
Hellertown Model A Ford Day – Details TBA
June 27 2016 MARC National Meet in Toledo OH
The next meeting will be held on February 1th at the middle school.
Refreshments for February – Steve Sensenich, Dick and Isobel Longcoy, Dave Wood, Bob Hall
The meeting was called to order at 7:31pm by club vice-president Steven Sensenich. Notes were taken by Jim Ford
Treasurers Report Phil Christ reported that as of 30 November the club had Total Liabilities and Equity in the amount of $3,129.04 after recent remittances.
Old Business - The minutes from our November meeting were read and approved.
It was reported that the New Year’s Day club activity ‘Afternoon at the River’ would begin at 11:00am, weather permitting. Tony Russo is in charge.
Membership Report - Dick Longcoy reported that the renewal letters have gone out, and that includes both Dinner and Dues. We currently have 72 families in the club. Dick also said that the Club Roster will be available in both paper and electronic forms shortly. Presently publication cost runs about $70.00, and by making the roster available in PDF format members can it emailed. As a reminder, your MARC membership number can be found on the magazine’s mailing label.
More news on the electronic front; Ed Roth will be re-activating the Club website.
Refreshment Committee – Member in attendance had the opportunity to sign-up for their preferred month. Please let Dini Vigliano know which month you’d like, if you didn’t get the chance. We are looking to have five member volunteer each month. Please remember that January, July and August are exempt.
Tech Session Report – About a dozen club members attend and Gene fixed and adjusted many horns. Having a well-tuned horn is a hallmark of a Model A, and there were many appreciative little faces at the Mardi Gras parade them smiled at that sound! Howard K. had a cutaway-view transmission available and graciously provided information. Refreshments were provided by Diane Hall. Thanks Diane!!
Mardi Gras Parade Report - We had good weather and brought a BIG crowd! 19 cars and truck participated. Members enjoyed mutual company and fine fair afterwards at the All American Diner.
Souderton Parade Report - Members in attendance said we had 17-19 cars participating in the parade. There was a good weather and a good crowd too ushering in Holiday Spirit! O’Grady’s was the after-parade sight for refreshments.
Holiday Party - The Holiday party will see Carl & Ellen Berlinger as Master(s) of Ceremony. Please remember to bring a White Elephant gift valued at $10.00 for each person in attendance. The party runs from 4 – 8pm on January 4th at the Bay Pony Inn in Lederach. David Wood and Carl Berlinger will once again donate hand-crafted items for our raffle. As part of the club renewal mailings we once again have the chance to recognize member contributions by voting for Most Spirited, Most Helpful and Rusty Wrench candidates.
New Business - The meeting started with a guest speaker, Jim Burrill. Mr. Burrill spoke about military vehicles from the 1940’s and 50’s, most specifically British and British Commonwealth light armour wheeled and tracked vehicle’s. His club has two armored cars and two Universal carriers. Of interest to our members, the Universal carriers, commonly known as Bren gun carries, are powered by Ford flathead V-8’s as familiar to many of our members. His club participates in the ‘Battle of the Bulge’ Living History re-enactment held at the end of February at Ft. Indiantown Gap.
Looking forward to March, Phil & Ruth Christ will be coordinating a club tour in Doylestown. We are considering attending the Mercer Museum ( and the near-by Michener Art Museum ( ). More information can be found at the websites.
Recently our members have provided many great memories on these club tours and we are looking for new places to visit within our region. Please consider sharing your interests by coordinating and leading one of these tours.
The idea of holding a Club sponsored car show for charitable fund raising was raised by Gary V. Anyone with experience in this area would be welcomed to discuss those insights at our February meeting.
50-50 Drawing - Won by Gladys Ditzler. Congratulations! How often do you see someone pull their own ticket?
Car Updates - Pete Wilson has Close Cab ’31 Pickup truck for sale. The dark blue body is perfect. It also has new tires and brakes ( done by Dave W. ), a rebuilt carb and a rebuilt bed. Asking price is $24,000.
Ed R has two new cars; one is a ’31 Station Wagon and the second is a 1990 Mercury Colony Park wagon.
It was shared with the group that we want to use Peak ‘yellow cap’ antifreeze in our old cars. Do not use Prestone ‘orange cap’.
Tech Talk by Tom - in Tom’s absence Howard K. and Bob M. shared insightful information about the workings of the Distributor and early Model A multi-plate clutch operations, respectively. Bob also talked about his VERY early AA truck and how newly documented information is broadening the Judging Standards.
NOTE: Club sponsored events are listed in Bold type.
On your own events should not require membership in a club other than this one.
Jan 3rd
NPMAFC Holiday Party at the Bay Pony Inn, starting at 4pm. White Elephant gifts should be valued at $10 each and each person is to bring a gift.
Doylestown Museum Tour - Club to visit the Mercer and Michener museums
Hellertown Model A Ford Day – Details TBA
June 27 2016 MARC National Meet in Toledo OH
The next meeting will be held on February 1th at the middle school.
Refreshments for February – Steve Sensenich, Dick and Isobel Longcoy, Dave Wood, Bob Hall