North Penn Model A Ford Club
Minutes of the Meeting – November 11, 2024
The meeting was called to order shortly before 7 PM by Vice President, Fred Coyne. 33 members were in attendance.
Secretary’s Minutes- The minutes were not read at the meeting because Kathy DeHaven, filling in for Diane Hall, had problems with her printer. The minutes therefore were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Mark Howard couldn’t attend the meeting and his notes weren’t available at the meeting; so the Treasurer’s report was not provided. However, a review of his notes shows a balance as of today of $14,922.01.
Update on Members
Nominations for Officers
Existing officers were put forward as nominations for next year. There were no other volunteers or names put forward at the meeting.
Upcoming Activities
Phil Christ told us about his Model A. Howard Kriebel found it for him, relatively local. It had dual side mounts, which Phil really wanted. He grew to regret it though, because it was harder to work on the engine. He had the car for a number of years but sold it when they moved to Rockhill. It was sold through Pete Watson to a collector in Boston. He also recently sold his 1935 Ford to someone who expressed interest while he was at the Glidden Tour this year in Gettysburg.
Carl Berlinger told us about how he got his Model A. He purchased it after he graduated from high school. He bought it in Coopersburg from Tom Troxell and had gotten used to stopping it by angling the wheels into a curb. And then Dave Whitmire took a look at it and fixed the brakes. He was startled to find he could stop the car at a stop sign without taking extra measures. He’s had a couple of issues with the car breaking down and complete strangers stopping to help. He’s had the car about 32-33 years.
Veterans Day – Ruth Ann led a salute to our Veteran members.
Minutes taken by Kathy DeHaven
The next meeting will be held on Monday, Dec. 2, at 7:00 pm at Trinity UCC Church in Skippack. Refreshments will be provided by Karen Roth, Dave Wood, Ray Bosler and Gary Volpe
Members Celebrating November Birthdays – Dave Wood, Mary Glass, Ellen Berlinger, Jim Dixon
Minutes of the Meeting – November 11, 2024
The meeting was called to order shortly before 7 PM by Vice President, Fred Coyne. 33 members were in attendance.
Secretary’s Minutes- The minutes were not read at the meeting because Kathy DeHaven, filling in for Diane Hall, had problems with her printer. The minutes therefore were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Mark Howard couldn’t attend the meeting and his notes weren’t available at the meeting; so the Treasurer’s report was not provided. However, a review of his notes shows a balance as of today of $14,922.01.
Update on Members
- Bruce Brown passed away and there will be a Memorial luncheon at the Bay Pony Inn, Lederach, with an open bar on Saturday, November 16 from Noon until 3:00 PM. Call or text Susan Wood by November 12 if you plan on attending. She has 17 names from the club so far, and there will be limited family there as they are elderly and scattered in further away states. They need 35 people to hold the event. Drive your Model A if possible.
- No cars bought or sold.
- Frank Falcone received a 50 year pin from AACA.
- Jim Reid received a 50 year pin from MARC.
- Cliff Craley reminded everyone to wear their name badges to meetings and activities whenever possible. If you need a badge, contact him and he will make you one.
- Membership packets were mailed and dues and forms should be returned to Mark Howard. The club is paying membership fees of $50 per family for the national membership to MARC. You need to fill in your name and MARC membership number on the return form and send it to Marc Howard with your dues of $20 for this club. Also return your ballots for the election and awards.
Nominations for Officers
Existing officers were put forward as nominations for next year. There were no other volunteers or names put forward at the meeting.
Upcoming Activities
- SPECIAL INVITATION – The Delaware Valley Region of AACA invites the NPMAFC to the November 21 dinner meeting at Bay Pony Inn. Dinner is a buffet. Guest speakers will be antique license plate specialists discussing the history of license plates. Please let Ruth Ann Christ know if you want to attend. Ruth Ann has flyers. Price is $39 per person.
- Nov 23 – Lansdale Mardi Gras Parade – Jim Reid is coordinating. The parade starts at 1 PM. Lineup time and details will be provided closer to the parade date so watch for a note. The theme this year is Hollywood Holidays, so you could choose to decorate your car according to your favorite movie. Fred Coyne will be driving the Grand Marshall at the beginning of the parade. No one is allowed to dress as Santa; Santa will only appear at the end of the parade. Lunch to follow the parade at American Star Diner, pay on your own.
- December 7 – Souderton Holiday Parade at 11 A.M. Lineup at 10:15 at Grace Bible Church, 423 N. Main Street, Souderton. Enter the parking lot from Railroad Ave. Lunch to follow at the Franconia Restaurant. Cliff Craley is now coordinating this event, so please let him know if you are going to lunch.
- January 5 – is the Holiday Dinner at the Bay Pony Inn, Lederach. 1:00 PM is the start of the social hour, 2:00 PM dinner. Price of $40 per person includes meal, dessert, hot tea and coffee. Other beverages will be available at the bar for a fee. A holiday gift exchange will be held after dinner. Gifts should be $15; no food or used car parts will be accepted.
Phil Christ told us about his Model A. Howard Kriebel found it for him, relatively local. It had dual side mounts, which Phil really wanted. He grew to regret it though, because it was harder to work on the engine. He had the car for a number of years but sold it when they moved to Rockhill. It was sold through Pete Watson to a collector in Boston. He also recently sold his 1935 Ford to someone who expressed interest while he was at the Glidden Tour this year in Gettysburg.
Carl Berlinger told us about how he got his Model A. He purchased it after he graduated from high school. He bought it in Coopersburg from Tom Troxell and had gotten used to stopping it by angling the wheels into a curb. And then Dave Whitmire took a look at it and fixed the brakes. He was startled to find he could stop the car at a stop sign without taking extra measures. He’s had a couple of issues with the car breaking down and complete strangers stopping to help. He’s had the car about 32-33 years.
Veterans Day – Ruth Ann led a salute to our Veteran members.
Minutes taken by Kathy DeHaven
The next meeting will be held on Monday, Dec. 2, at 7:00 pm at Trinity UCC Church in Skippack. Refreshments will be provided by Karen Roth, Dave Wood, Ray Bosler and Gary Volpe
Members Celebrating November Birthdays – Dave Wood, Mary Glass, Ellen Berlinger, Jim Dixon